1.I'd never think that I would be posting this here as I had planned to keep this place restricted to the geography & dynamics of the world rather than the dynamics of myself.I'm sorry Blogger.com I could not resist the temptation of pouring my thoughts to u - the only entity which would not refute as I speak today.
2 Till recently use to dream not just for myself but for the world around me,As much as I might sound like a saint today which I most whole heartedly accept that I'm not ,I have always enjoyed being a part of people's success more than being a part of their happiness.Bad times are when people often remember their pals and good times are when they make new pals or stick to their closest of kins/pals.
3.Always remember - you are not the most important person in anyone's life, you are just a helper or a mere friend , dont ever give yourself more air than you actually deserve.
4.The script for my prayers would never again ask for the well beings of pals because I realize that none of my pals ever pray for me :-),
5.Fighting bad times along with your pals does not always imply that he/she need to remember you in good times. Its been a year since a pal of mine saw his trough tranform to a crest ,since then he has been on the crest and never bothered to look back on the trough i.e me today.
6. A pal of mine felt pessimistic about everything until 3.30 am 9th Jan,His life changed since then,that was the last time we really conversed,he did not need me since then .
7. I never thought I'd be editing mba grads resumes,yes i did it almost 4-5 times for a friend of mine,I dont say that it did the trick for him ,undoubtedtly his skill fetched him the job, i was just trying to convey the msg-yes i'm there and I still believe in you. Have I heard from him since then ?I sent him a mail asking for some certifications which I could do . Guess what - I dont have a reply from him till date and even better- he never even bothered to ping me after that.
8. A pal of mine hopefully heads to the US this year, a night of decision during the recession,I gave him my best inputs while my cousin was getting married 200 meteres away from me and was parting ways to her in laws-Yes I missed the ceremony to relieve some nerves from him.Guess what- he now is all set to go and I have not heard from him either,its been 8 months when he first set his eye on the soil of The US of A. I have been a part of his journey all along so far but I'm rest assured once the stamp hits the passport, he'd never remember a tall,lanky dark figure in his life.
9. Now I skip a few more and come to the latest and most unexpected.This one hurt the most from one of closest pals.Could not be a part of this individual's success until today morning. Though I felt happy for her,I felt sad for myself,She did try her best to put forward an explanation but then I could not relate or link the sequence of events she mentioned about last night. Perhaps my IQ not good enough to understand her point of view. I would want to believe that rather than face some facts.This pal of mine has always told me that I have never been of any help and I have been selfish all the time ,I guess she was serious.I believe the few lucky people who knew about her 'luck by chance' last night have significantly been a part of her ups and downs.Obviously I dont have any grudges cuz it is a personal opinion,some choose most do not :-)she should enjoy her success,its her day after all.
10.The last- As soon as I logged into gtalk today - I saw a window pop up and a question on some issue concerning an admit.I smiled this time and said to myself- this is it .. the last time .. i told him the required and logged off.For all those who think I'm acting as if I'm a a superhero saving lives .No your wrong - I'm not, I just tried to be a part of people's lives in whatever small way I could.
Moral of the story :
Very often I have seen people complain about facing new lows in life, very rarely has anyone ever asked me about my state of affairs.I might not have been great help to most of the people I mentioned above ,but atleast i did expect a few courteous gestures from them all.Anyways I'd not change but my perspective about things certainly changes infact has evolved over time.May all Succeed in life !-- ooops I'm not goin to mention this in my prayers anymore cuz I now believe that I need a little more space for myself in my prayers as I really do need it now. They wont pray for me :-).