Miles away from India, on a usual afternoon at lunch came a question from an European friend which was blatant and non sarcastic- "So how does a country with one billion people manage to win just 6 medals"
I look at him with absolutely no remorse and answer firmly " Yes, I think we did very well, we exceeded expectations" and from here on it just went on to be a monologue.
Did you ever wake up to a day where you may get watersupply for only 40 minutes in 24 hours? Did you ever catch a local public transport where getting on to it within those five seconds of its stop with thousands of other likeminded souls is as challenging as Usain bolt running for those 9.63 seconds with just seven more competitors. Everyone in that bus/train is a Bolt ! Did you ever experience temperatures soaring more than 40 c with no electricity when you needed it the most?
Did you ever wake up to a day when you are told that if you did not excel in your academics that you would be on the streets begging along with the helpless? Did you ever live in the fear that the place where you just shopped all that you wanted, watched a movie and had an icecream might actually be your last appearance to the world? Did you ever hear of riots, curfews & discrimination?
Did you ever wake up to a weekend at all? Did you ever see people keep their shops open on all seven days of the week till its dark for their hard earned bread?
I respect those countries which try to answer these questions everyday and still manage to play their national anthem at various events. Yes I know you will point to China now, kudos to them, but did they ever see unlimited number of cultures, languages, religions coexisting in one land and playing by the rules of 'democracy'. Did you ever manage 10 people from different backgrounds at office without starting politics? Yes, billion different people with thousand different backgrounds gave birth to a political class.
Now tell me with all this if we still manage 6 medals and you manage 1/3rd of ours then its my turn to ask with as simple life as yours with 24 hours of water, beer, electricity, buses and trains that run half empty with a choice to live your life before you choose to work and spend your weekends with all the different passions that you may have dreamt during the week, who is the winner?
After all, billion people manage to smile at the end of the day when they return home clearing the ‘ 24 hour hurdles race’worth a gold ! Yes we win billion golds everyday !
And the lunch ended.